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How do we know there's a God? What is he like?

Chuck Colson's Evidences for the existence of God

Postby jimwalton » Sat Jun 08, 2013 11:25 am

The existence of God cannot be proved or disproved, but the evidence can be rationally probed and weighed.

Evidences for the existence of God:

1.The presence of an innate moral code inside each of us, across history and across cultures.

2. The order and intricate design of a universe that is claimed to be totally random.

3. The existence of the universe. It is claimed that the universe was self-generated. This violates, however, a primary law of logic: the law of noncontradiction that says the universe cannot be itself and the thing it creates at the same time.

4. While it is claimed that the universe is self-existent and infinite, as it has always been. Modern science has discovered no element in the universe that is self-existent. (A tentative theory with respect to quantum physics may raise questions about this conclusion.) Everyone must deal with the question of first cause.

5. Our intuitive moral sense rejects the notion that humans are a meaningless agglomeration of chemicals assembled and randomly evolved by chance. Scientific arguments fail to take man’s basic nature into account, including our deep longing for the spiritual and our need for purpose.

(from Kingdoms in Conflict by Charles Colson, Wm Morrow/Zondervan Publishing House, 1987, pp. 63-71)
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