by jimwalton » Sat Nov 18, 2023 9:34 pm
You don't seem to understand what an analogy is. It's pointing to a similarity to lead someone to a greater understanding. It's a correspondence, not an identical situation in every way. No analogy is flawless; no analogy works in every corner of the argument. For instance, when Jesus said the kingdom of God was like a pearl of great price, he was not implying that the kingdom of God was a small sphere or that it was produced by an oyster.
I did say, if you want to re-read by post, that God is more intelligent than a computer. I wasn't using the analogy to imply that computers don't get overloaded, and therefore God can get overloaded. The analogy is that a computer can "pay attention" individually to millions of people at a time. God, in like manner, can pay attention individually to all people at a time.
Then you launched into free will, as if the analogy had anything to do with that. Maybe do some research into how analogies work, and I'd be glad to continue the conversation.
Last bumped by Anonymous on Sat Nov 18, 2023 9:34 pm.