"By the way, I never said the Bible was not a reliable record. What I said was that it communicated the scientific worldview appropriate to the people addressed. It addressed them in the context of their understanding, accommodating their perspective. That doesn't make it unreliable, but within a particular cultural context."
So god wrote what the people who wrote him thought was true but isn't? That's incredibly damning to the idea that god wrote the bible. If god wrote the bible, wouldn't you expect that what it says would be true rather than just being what the people at the time thought was true? If man wrote the bible, you'd expect that it would just state the views that were common at that time, not actually accurate scientific information. Clearly, the evidence fits with the idea that the bible is not the word of god. This shows pretty conclusively that the most rational reasonable conclusion is that the bible was just written by primitive man. After all, the scientific ideas in it are wrong in exactly the same way that primitive man would have written them and not the way an all knowing god would know them to be.
Burden of proof is ALWAYS on the one making the claim. So far you've presented poor arguments usually involving the assumption that your god exists. The fine tuning argument is a poor argument. It starts by saying that the universe is fine tuned for life. First of all, there aren't really 42 separate constants. The constants have interdependence. Second, we don't know what the universe would be like if you changed those constants. Third, we don't have a very good definition of life if you want to apply it outside of this universe. Fourth, and BY FAR most importantly, even if your assumptions were correct you haven't shown that the reason for the constants being what it is is your god. You just shown that you have an explanation and then just asserted that your explanation is the right one. Your explanation isn't falsifiable. Your explanation can be used to explain anything, and therefore doesn't really explain anything in a meaningful way. After all, no matter what you want to explain, you can just say "god did it" no matter what it is. The existence of reason just has the same problem. You have an explanation (god) and you just assert that this explanation is the correct explanation. I'm sorry, but that's not how science works. You don't just say well, I have an explanation so I'll just say that this explanation is the right one. That's not how logic works either.
Atheism is not the claim that there definitely isn't a god. It is the lack of belief in any gods. You claim that there is a god. I don't believe you. It is up to you to show that your claim is correct. So far, your arguments have been VERY flawed and generally just posit your god as an explanation and then just say that this explanation is the correct one without showing that it definitely is.