Human beings can make inferences. The least plausible thing of these texts is that these "marriages" were somehow ethical.
You're engaging in something I call cross texting. It's what fundamentalists, who need the Bible to be inerrant, have to do when a text breaks doctrine.
So you see these passages where - in any other context - you would say that the male behavior towards females constitutes rape. But this one is in the Bible, so here's the process as I see it:
1. The Bible is inerrant.
2. God is love and does not condone rape.
You see a text of questionable behavior and must now preserve it, so you reach for other texts like Deuteronomy 21:10-14 (the cross texting) to bolster your claim. The problem with that this only works for you and other people who accept an inerrant reading of scripture. Maybe God exists, and maybe God revealed himself through the person of Christ, but why on earth would anyone be required to force this book to say things it clearly does not?