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How do we know there's a God? What is he like?

What does God spend his time doing?

Postby The Duck » Sun Mar 03, 2019 4:22 pm

So, is there any info on what God does these days? Does God have any hobbies? I imagine that answering prayers and making miracles happen and stuff gets really boring after a while.
The Duck

Re: What does God spend his time doing?

Postby jimwalton » Sat Mar 23, 2019 1:56 pm

Hmm. What does God DO?

    - He sustains all of creation (Heb. 1.3)
    - He holds all of creation together (Col. 1.17)
    - He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. The Lord sets prisoners free (Ps. 146.7)
    - He is continually working to reconcile all things to Himself (2 Cor. 5.19)
    - He is continually working to draw all people towards Him (John 12.32)
    - He is reconciling people to Himself (2 Cor. 5.18)
    - He gives appropriate spiritual gifts to people (1 Cor. 12-14)
    - He indwells His people and His Church (Eph. 2.22)
    - He listens to and answers prayers (many, many many references)
    - He is seeing His plan of salvation through to its conclusion.
    - He is revealing Himself through His creation and to His creation.

I would say He's pretty busy. After all, the universe is still of unknown dimension, and there are 7.6 billion people on the planet.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Sat Mar 23, 2019 1:56 pm.
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