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How do we know there's a God? What is he like?

Does God have gentitalia If so what for?

Postby Spectacular » Sun Sep 20, 2020 3:08 pm

So I just started reading Genesis. I know I'm late but a question struck me while I was reading it. So God says in the Bible that he wanted to create us in his image, but since Christians like to consider him as male, wouldn't that mean he has male reproductive organs? If so and if that's the case, then why? It doesn't say anywhere that God reproduced, and it wouldn't make any sense if he did. But he did say he made us in his image, which infers that he has one. What would be the purpose of him having one though? I know this is a weird question but I can't help but think how odd that is. Can any of you help me figure this out ?

Re: Does God have gentitalia If so what for?

Postby jimwalton » Sat Jun 17, 2023 6:02 am

God has no gender, so He doesn't have genitalia. God is called "He" for cultural reasons, not sexual ones.

> So God says in the Bible that he wanted to create us in his image, but since Christians like to consider him as male, wouldn't that mean he has male reproductive organs?

You'll notice that when God creates humanity in his image, "he created them male and female" (Gn. 1.26).

You'll also notice that right after the Bible talks about the image of God, the humans are told to rule and subdue the Earth (Gn. 1.28). Therefore the image of God in people is that they are to rule the Earth as He would: responsibly with care and knowledge.

We don't consider God a male, but the Hebrew language, like English has no personal neuter pronoun. God is not an "it," so we have to pick "he" or "she" for a pronoun, even though God is neither male nor female.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Sat Jun 17, 2023 6:02 am.
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