I want you all to consider the arguments Jesus has with the Rabbi’s at the time. The Pharisees and Sadducees were essentially legal scholars. They valued the letter of the law. They did so because of things like plausible deniability and misinterpretations being abused. Jesus argued an understanding of God as a character snd that the letter of the law was informed by more abstract intentions. Christianity today teaches that Moses wrote the law but Jesus was the best interpretation of the vision behind those laws. He understood God’s vision hence why he is the lord and savior. This conflict still exists in law today.
What is that vision? I think most people who study the Bible seriously accept it’s not 100% accurate nor is it expected to be. But we have enough reoccurring themes to draw some conclusions about God’s character even if we accept half of it id inaccurate.
I’m asking you. But I’ll give you my take.
1: Don’t challenge God.
There are countless examples of people being punished by God or at God’s instructions.
2: Nothing is more important than God
Ideally everyone would spend all their time doing God’s work.
Disclaimer! The next 3 I’m about to mention may sound like Marxist theory. People who do not understand political theory will default to imagining historical failures and Soviet Russia. But many of Marx’s ideas were not unique. I believe they began with religion. What DID make Marx unique was his critique of surplus value and how it should have benefited the workers. But ancient people didn’t have surplus value so it’s not a Marxist critique.
3: The abolition of class structure
the most famous prophets in all major religions have experienced 2 extremes of class divide. Even Jesus who was poor became a Rabbi and understood the perspective of people who started as merchants before becoming religious leaders. The book is full of people losing wealth but still being valuable. The common theme appears to be this idea that one human being should never be significantly more valuable than another under any circumstance. Doing so always causes alienation from God and the people.
4: Equitable resource distribution
Another reoccurring theme is to use all excess time and wealth to help those in need. From each according to their ability to each according to their need.
5: Abolition of the commodity form
All goods and services must exist to serve God’s will in an ideal world.
Your turn!