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What is considered blasphemy?

Postby Skywalker » Tue May 12, 2020 3:29 pm

What is considered blasphemy? Its an intrusive thought about something blasphemous considered as blasphemy even though i immediately think to myself that i would never do that(and it is true) and apologising to god considered blasphemous or do u actually have to say/do the blashphemous thing

Re: What is considered blasphemy?

Postby jimwalton » Sat Jun 17, 2023 1:46 pm

We can't always control the intrusive thoughts that come into our brains, but we can often control what we do with them. That's where sin most times comes into the picture: What do you do with the thoughts that pop in?

"Blasphemy," since you asked, is βλασφημία (blasphemia). In other words, our English word is just a transliteration of the Greek term. It is translated "slander; malicious talk; injurious speech." In the Bible, blasphemy was the sin of making oneself like God (attributing to oneself divine prerogatives), or desecrating God’s name with malicious or injurious speech designed to denigrate Him. God was worthy of respect, honor, and worship. God is holy and must be honored. Any other treatment of Him was considered blasphemous. And therefore any defiant sin, which was smearing one’s pride and rebellion in God’s face, was also blasphemous (Num. 15.30). Taunting or reviling God so as to deny His authority and position (and to attempt to bring Him shame) was also blasphemy.

Based on all that, your intrusive thoughts don't count as blasphemy.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Sat Jun 17, 2023 1:46 pm.
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