Why do Christians find the phrase "God damn" so offensive? I wouldn't be asking this question if only the hard core Christians got offended by it, but it seems like anyone I know who even remotely considers themselves Christian has a pretty bad knee jerk reaction to this phrase.
Logically, this makes no sense to me, because they don't get offended by the word "damn" very much. And since the definition of "damn" is "to be condemned by God to suffer in hell for eternity", damn and God damn are the exact same thing. You're taking the Lord's name in vain either way, because either way you are vainly asking God to damn something to hell (unless you are using the word correctly.)
The only thing that makes sense to me is that most Christians hear the phrase "God damn" and mentally flip it to mean "damn God". Why else would every Christian I know have a knee jerk reaction to it? I can't see most people going "oh, he asked God to send something to hell, how vain....I'm so offended!"
So I guess my question is, are most Christians more pious than I thought and hate the thought of someone asking God to send something to hell that didn't deserve it, or are people interpreting the phrase to mean something it's not?