by jimwalton » Sun May 31, 2020 3:43 pm
> don't you think he would be doing his job to deceive not just one or a bunch of people but the whole world which he is the prince of the air and this world
Yes, Matthew 24 indicates that Satan is out to deceive the whole world. 2 Thessalonians 2.1-12 indicates that the deceit will not be limited to one geographic area; he works to deceive *all* who are perishing.
> Tammuz, Semiramis, and Nimrod = “trinity”
Um, you didn't make your case here. All you did was list 3 names. Tammuz was the Mesopotamian (Sumerian) god of fertility; Semiramis was an Assyrian deity (not ancient Sumerian/Babylonian) and associated with Ishtar and Astarte; Nimrod is also Mesopotamian/Babylonian. But there's nothing about these deities that has anything to do with the concept of Trinity. You've named three gods. Big deal. Nimrod has many various interpretations and iterations associated with him, but "trinitarian" isn't one of them.
> nimrod was both the father and the son
This isn't trinitarian. This is two.
> Nimrod was the sun God and his mother was supposedly the queen of heaven (moon god)hints Sun+day and Moon or mon +day
This isn't trinitarian. Nimrod was the sun, his mama was the moon. So what? Sunday, Monday, who cares. This isn't trinitarian.
> And there were actually 36 others gods
Then this is nowhere close to trinitarian. In a polytheistic culture, these deities were not thought of as being a single essence, which is what trinitarian theology is: 3 persons in one unified essence.
> if you add up 1+2+3 etc all the way to 36..tell me what you get?
666. so what. If there were 39 gods, what does adding 1...36 accomplish? You say it gets deep, but it has nothing to do with trinity.
> Do you know who you're really worshipping
Yes, I'm worshiping Jesus, and that has nothing to do with the false gods of ancient Sumer and Assyria.
In addition, no one really knows what's behind John's "mark" of 666. It may be gematria; it may be symbolic; numerology—who knows.
Bruston, along with you, thinks the reference is to Babylon (which fits with the symbolism of Revelation) and Nimrod, or Ninurta, as he may have been called. But the book of Revelation is also clear that 666 ≠ Jesus, and is matter of factly His antithesis. But this is just one guess among dozens. It carries no weight. But again, there's nothing about Nimrod that is trinitarian. Your claim was that the trinity came from Babylonian culture, a claim you haven't yet gotten close to proving.