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I need help

Postby Yoga Rat » Sun Apr 02, 2023 3:55 pm

Brother I'm going through rough times and have deep internal conflict with myself. Can we talk about Jesus and how to redeem from sins? Also maybe help with my Crush and her evil ways.
Yoga Rat

Re: I need help

Postby jimwalton » Sun Apr 02, 2023 3:57 pm

Oh, sorry to hear about your rough times and inner conflict. We can talk about it as much as you want, though I'll tell you right off the bat that I'm not a trained counselor. But we can talk.

Jesus redeems us from sin by our acceptance of that. It happens when our hearts are tuned to the work He did for us on the cross and our sincere desire to participate in and benefit from that. He offers redemption as a free gift. We receive it by telling Him so when we have a sincere heart.

As far as saving your crush from her evil ways, it's very difficult to change someone else. We can try to help them and do our best to influence them, but a person can only changed themselves. You can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped, y'know? But if you have influence with her and she responds to your help by trying to think differently and act differently, then you have a chance.

If you want to get into more detail or explain more, we can discuss it. I'll try to help as best as I can.
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Re: I need help

Postby Yoga Rat » Sun Apr 02, 2023 4:04 pm

Yeah, I guess I'm fine maybe not Nothing have changed for me I feel completely suicidal for like 1 week.

I appreciate you reaching out to me Cause most of them wouldn't and don't care sad but true Also I don't know how to have faith when I have nothing left.
Yoga Rat

Re: I need help

Postby jimwalton » Sun Apr 02, 2023 4:05 pm

Glad you're "fine," but not glad to hear maybe you're not. Feeling suicidal is such a desperate and hopeless way to feel. Do you want to talk about "nothing left" in faith?
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Re: I need help

Postby Yoga Rat » Sun Apr 02, 2023 4:10 pm

I feel very Lonley actually, I isolate myself from everyone irl, I don't find anyone who can help me or maybe no one's interested in me :lol: and feeling suicidal is true it gives no hope to move forward in life and hence you won't have faith in anyone or doesn't feel like you're worth to someone. I still have hope thoo but it's definitely not going to be easy..

I'm really stuck in a dilemma with this girl I would really like to talk someone about it It's making me feel crippled inside
Yoga Rat

Re: I need help

Postby jimwalton » Sun Apr 02, 2023 4:11 pm

When you feel alone, you feel so vulnerable and lost. It's like you don't matter. It's difficult to get past that because even when people pay attention to us or even reach out to us, we feel unworthy and often disregard their compassion and friendship.

You think that suicide will end those feelings, but it's been my experience that these feelings eventually pass. It's a pit you're in, not a permanent place. I was at one time in a severe depression for about 3 years, and suicidal for a brief part of the worst part of that valley. I couldn't escape the perception that I was worthless, a complete waste of human flesh, and there was no reason to keep living. One day I came to the realization that was a lie straight from the pit of Hell. God says differently than my self-assessment; He says we are valuable in His sight, and He loves us. I realized I was tormenting myself with the worst possible lie and convincing myself that I was a completely futile human being. It still took me awhile after that realization to stop thinking that way, and it still invades my mind on occasion, but it's a vicious lie.
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Re: I need help

Postby Yoga Rat » Sun Apr 02, 2023 4:14 pm

Every Word you just said is so f***ing true and I'm really sorry you had to go through as well it's so horrible man. I would like to believe everything you said but it won't change my pain and I'm glad you are free from lie I hope I can also be free from lie one day till then I must go through it.

The pain has really changed me I can't even function properly and so much horror inside.
Yoga Rat

Re: I need help

Postby jimwalton » Sun Apr 02, 2023 4:15 pm

My pain doesn't change your pain. But we do learn from each other's experiences. Sometimes we feel we're not the only one going through this, and sometimes we can find ways to cope with our experiences and feelings. That's why it can be helpful to talk.

You're so right that pain changes us. It renders us incapable of things we thought would be natural and normal for us. It also changes the way we have relationships, and it changes the way respond to our environment and circumstances. We view small pains as annoyances, but large and deep pain and suffering challenges all we believe and think, all our relationships, and it forces us to dig deeply for meaning, purpose, and trying to make sense out of it. Day to day we live with this animal inside of us that is not only destroying us but also ruins our relationships with others. We either avoid them or we "bleed" all over them, talking about little but our views and our pain.
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Re: I need help

Postby Yoga Rat » Sun Apr 02, 2023 4:19 pm

I'm actually trying to let go of the beast inside and I've decided to go church from tmw I think it tells everything I'm definitely trying to be more open after years of being isolated
Yoga Rat

Re: I need help

Postby jimwalton » Sun Apr 02, 2023 4:19 pm

So, um, how was church today? Helpful? Not? Make you feel more, or less, isolated?
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