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Evolution and Creation. Where did we come from? How did we get here? What is life all about?

Dinosaurs and Plate Tectonics

Postby Tacky Soup » Mon Oct 15, 2018 9:18 am

What do you believe about dinosaurs and plate tectonics?

And are you an old earth creationist, young earth creationist, or neither?
Tacky Soup

Re: Dinosaurs and Plate Tectonics

Postby jimwalton » Wed Oct 31, 2018 3:49 pm

1. I believe dinosaurs roamed the earth when and for the duration that scientists tell us they did (is it 65 mil years ago?).

2. I believe plate tectonics happened the way scientists tell us they happened.

3. I subscribe to what is being taught and written about by Dr. John Walton ("The Lost World of Genesis 1"). His theory about Genesis 1 & 2 is that they are about how God ordered creation (functions and roles) rather than about material creation (how they came to be). This perspective still believes God is the creator, but that Genesis 1 & 2 are not the narrative of material creation. Instead, Gn. 1-2 tell us why we are here, what our role and function are for being here. This theory allows science to be all that it can discover, wherever truth is found, but only the Bible can tell us the purpose behind it all, something science can't answer. I find his theory quite convincing. Here's a brief breakdown:

Day 1: the light and dark function to give us day and night, therefore TIME

Day 2: the firmament functions to give us WEATHER and CLIMATE

Day 3: The earth functions to bring forth vegetation: plant life and AGRICULTURE

Day 4: The heavenly bodies function to mark out the times and seasons

Day 5: The species function to fill the earth, creating the circles of life, the food chain, and FOOD.

Day 6: Humans function to subdue the earth and rule over it: God's representatives on the earth, scientific mandate, responsible care of the planet.

Day 7: God comes to "rest" in His Temple, meaning that He comes to live with the humans He has made and to engage them in daily life, to reveal Himself to them and be their God.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Wed Oct 31, 2018 3:49 pm.
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