by jimwalton » Tue Oct 27, 2020 5:45 pm
You're far too quick to jump to the "God is saying schools lie to us." Let's look at the text a little more objectively.
Genesis 1.3-5 tells us how a period of light functions: to give us day. It tells us how a period of darkness functions: to give us night. It tells us how alternating periods of light function: to give us evening and morning. Therefore Day 1 is telling us that God ordered the components of light and darkness in regularly alternating sequence to give us time.
Genesis 1.14-19 tells us that the heavenly bodies (the light-bearers in the sky) function to separate day from night and also to make the seasons, days, and years. Therefore Day 4 is telling us that God ordered the sun, moon, and stars to give us seasons—a calendar, so to speak. Regular and predictable cycles of the environment (tides, seasons, etc.) to "govern" our lives here—a functional regularity by which we can plant, harvest, hunt, and even celebrate.
Therefore the text is not telling us that the sun doesn't produce light. Nor is the text showing that schools lied to us. The Bible and nature (science) are not in conflict or contradiction. They both tell the same story. We can talk about this more if you want.
Last bumped by Anonymous on Tue Oct 27, 2020 5:45 pm.