Board index Creation and Evolution

Evolution and Creation. Where did we come from? How did we get here? What is life all about?

Re: If God can exist without being created, then the univers

Postby jimwalton » Mon Nov 07, 2022 12:01 am

A very interesting contribution, "Guest." If you've read around this website much, you will have figured out that I believe in evolution and the progressiveness of creation.I definitely agree with the first part of your statement about the progressiveness of the development of what we now see (the cosmos) and the gradual evolution of life.

I also believe that all of life is imperfect. Since only God is perfect, anything that is not God is less than that, hence at least vulnerable to imperfection, but also in reality less than perfect.

You'll need to explain the last section though. What do you mean by "God sent His Son, Jesus Christ to ALL of those lifeforms"? We know from Philippians 2.7 that Jesus was specifically made in human likeness. There is no evidence to the contrary that he also "appeared to those various life forms 'in their image' as He did for us." So I agree that the Bible doesn't explicitly state that we are all there is, but it does explicitly state that Jesus was made in the form of a human (Phil. 2.5; Jn. 1.14; Heb. 1.6—God brought Jesus into the world as a human). So let's talk about it. I'm curious to hear more about what you're saying.
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