I mean, there are so many problems:
1. The creation story in Genesis does not even come close to representing our million year evolution. The idea of woman being created from man separately makes absolutely no sense by evolution. God created light before he created the stars which is a blatant contradiction. Don't you think God would have given Moses correct information?
2. How could sin enter the world if we gradually evolved over millions of years? What did our ancestors do literally that wasn't part of our natural evolution and survival that would cause damnation? How could we be responsible if God evolved us that way?
3. Who received the first soul? What difference did it make, considering other homo species were already intelligent with signs of ritual burials? It doesn't make sense that he created two people separately with the new power of spirituality awareness.
4. Many people suggest that the reason there is suffering in the world (IE natural disasters and disease) is because of our sinful nature. But what about the millions of years before our species? They loved and had families as well and suffered greatly by unknown natural disasters.
5. How can you believe a loving God sat by for millions of years idly while all this is going on to then deliver a message only some thousand years ago?
6. There was billions of years of life and global catastrophe before man that had life completely wiped out multiple times. How can a God that values life destroy his creation so many times? And how can you consider failed evolutionary processes deliberate good design?
7. Why is it that religion has evolved independently of each other in every culture? Don't you think this is all just primitive philosophy that naturally evolved in our pattern seeking species?