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About how old is the world is

Postby Scrambled Eggs » Wed Oct 26, 2022 10:54 am

How old is the world, since the Bible says it's 6000 years old?

So according to the Bible the world is around 6000 years old but according to science the world is around 4.543 billion years old since they searched for the oldest rocks to radiometrically date is there an explanation for this? (Not trying to start a argument just curious)
Scrambled Eggs

Re: About how old is the world is

Postby jimwalton » Sun Nov 06, 2022 9:52 pm

The Bible doesn't say the world is around 6000 years old. The genealogies of the ancient world didn't try to be complete with every generation, as we do in our era. In their sense, both Hezekiah and Jesus were a son of David. So you can't just "do the math" and come up with the age of the Earth. The Bible makes no claim about how old the Earth is.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Sun Nov 06, 2022 9:52 pm.
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