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Re: Is Buddha in heaven?

Postby Libber » Tue Jul 28, 2020 12:21 pm

wow very good answer

and if i may ask you one more thing, do you believe in evolution? i was talking to my gf's dad and we get along great because we are both science people, and the part where me and him diverge is when it comes to evolution. he doesn't believe it and thinks its ridiculous they teach it in schools "something that's so obviously false"

he's also a pretty devout christian to say the least

so i didnt know if you knew a lot about evolution or not, but i'm curious why he thought it was false (i wasn't going to try and argue with the guy because frankly i think it's absurd to think evolution is *not* true and you can easily observe it day-to-day, but im always willing to have an open mind)

Re: Is Buddha in heaven?

Postby Libber » Tue Jul 28, 2020 12:21 pm

wow very good answer

and if i may ask you one more thing, do you believe in evolution? i was talking to my gf's dad and we get along great because we are both science people, and the part where me and him diverge is when it comes to evolution. he doesn't believe it and thinks its ridiculous they teach it in schools "something that's so obviously false"

he's also a pretty devout christian to say the least

so i didnt know if you knew a lot about evolution or not, but i'm curious why he thought it was false (i wasn't going to try and argue with the guy because frankly i think it's absurd to think evolution is *not* true and you can easily observe it day-to-day, but im always willing to have an open mind)

Re: Is Buddha in heaven?

Postby jimwalton » Sat Nov 19, 2022 1:52 pm

I do believe in evolution. God was the creator and evolution was the way He did it. In contrast to your gf's father, evolution has for all intents and purposes been proved to be true. But it's not contrary to Scripture, nor is it unusual to think that God would work that way. God often uses long periods of time and progress through eras to accomplish his purposes.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Sat Nov 19, 2022 1:52 pm.
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