by jimwalton » Sat Nov 11, 2023 11:30 am
Of course, I agree. Paul says our works cannot save us, but James says that if we are saved, we will certainly see works. As Irving Jensen writes, "Paul only denies works as the root of salvation. Paul is not writing about Christian conduct as such, but about the way to become a Christian. James is not denying faith as the way of salvation, but he is maintaining that works will issue from a faith that is genuine. Paul is looking at the root; James is looking at the fruit. Paul is talking about the beginning of the Christian life; James is talking about its continuance and consummation. With Paul, the works he renounces precede faith and are dead works. With James, the faith he denounces is apart from works and is the dead faith."
Last bumped by Anonymous on Sat Nov 11, 2023 11:30 am.