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Genocide in modern churches

Postby Historian » Wed Nov 07, 2018 11:50 am

Why did all Christian churches in the world support the state execution of physically and mentally disabled people until 70s?

Re: Genocide in modern churches

Postby jimwalton » Sat Dec 01, 2018 7:55 am

My church in the Northeastern US didn't. No church that I knew of did. We had mentally and physically disabled people in our church. I think somehow you've gotten some bum information. We had some people in our church who had immigrated from Germany after the war. Their churches didn't support state execution of mental disabled people. I visited in Russia and talked with the people who had been through Stalin's genocide. Their churches didn't support the state execution of physically and mental disabled. I've been in Central America. Their churches didn't support any state execution of physically and mentally disabled people. In other words, I don't know what in the world you're talking about. I think perhaps you have stumbled on some false information.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Sat Dec 01, 2018 7:55 am.
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