I've been going to a counselor. We've been talking about whether God is active or inactive. It made me think of our conversations. Thinking of God as being
inactive (God letting things just happen rather than interfering in the natural course of life) actually makes me feel better about my whole situation. The bad things that have happened to me in my life is just life—the bad things don't say anything about ME or GOD. It's just life. I'm not doing anything wrong. He cares about me and loves me. He loves me just as much as anyone else. I'm not being punished. If things don't get better it's just life. If things get better that's great—I didn't do anything to deserve it. The counselor put it this way. If I live far from my father and I talk to him about my problems and tell him how much I hurt he is going to sympathize with me, care about me and love me. He can't change the situation but he can listen and love me through the situation. He has nothing against me. If I think of God more in those terms it seems to help—not expecting anything from God. Thinking of Him as a person to talk to and that's it. But man—there are those times like this weekend where I was in so much pain and I just cried out to God and wanted some relief. But I don't expect relief anymore. Cause I know that it doesn't happen that way.
Still struggling with having a relationship with God. It just isn't there. I tried reading Ps.23 one verse at a time but it just isn't doing anything for me.
I'm stuck on the Lord is my shepherd. A shepherd is to lead, care for his sheep. I sure don't see that. My Christianity is just dead. I don't even know how to talk to my kids anymore about God. We rarely talk about Him. That makes me sad. But I really don't know what to say. You got any input?