So, I was about to make a comment about tongues, but I read a few verses to make sure my comment was correct, and I was both wrong and became a bit confused as to the phenomenon.
I have only ever gone to mainline Churches, never been to any Church that engaged in the practice of tongues, let alone hear a pastor talk about it(outside of a reading of Acts), so what I understand is mostly from scripture. If anyone has personal experience with the phenomenon I would love to hear it.
I am rather confused as to exactly what it is. I know that my parents went to these sort of churches when I was young, and they may have mentioned it before, but never was it explained in depth. From what I've heard and/or read from other Christians, it involves kind of letting a spirit wash over you and then letting lose your tongue and freeing what ever comes out. To anyone else listening to what proceeds, this may seem like gibberish.
Now as to scripture, as I am aware, tongues is mentioned in three places. Primarily Acts and 1 Corinthians, and briefly in Mark 16:17. I'll post the relevant verses in a reply, but paraphrase my understanding in this post.
In Acts(ch 2 primarily)
The event is described as the Holy Ghost coming into the Pentecostal Church, and they began to speak "as the spirit gave them utterance" to the people of various nations there. They were astonished because there was a wide variety of nationalities there, and they all heard in their native tongues from the mouths of Galileans.
So here, the Spirit fills of these people, guides their speech, and people hear and understand in their native tongue.
In 1st Corintheans 13 - 14 Paul speaks in judgment of the Church of Corinth. Here they speak in tongues, and it unintelligible to anyone but the speaker to God. Paul describes this as only serving to edify one's self, which is not of good to the Church for our main duty is to edify one another rather than ourselves. He says that it is far better to speak 5 words in understanding rather than thousand without.
Also there is a distinction between these private speaking of tongues, which give thanks to God between the speaker and Him, and speaking in prophesy which others understand and serves those who hear them. There is a hypothetical posited by Paul saying if a whole church were to see a congregation speaking in Tongues, they'd think they were Mad, but if they were a whole congregation prophesying, they come to hear and understand.
Thirdly, Paul mentions a practice of separating into groups of 2-3 when speaking tongues, so that there may be one who understands to interpret.
After having said that, it seems to me that the two phenomenon between the two books are separate occurrences that are translated with the same word, and that prophesying in 1Cor. is more similar to the Tongues of Acts, than the tongues of 1Cor. to the tongues of Acts.
That is my opinion/understanding, but I am open to understand what others might understand about the subject, and I am especially interested in testimonies of those who may have experience these things.
What do you think?