by jimwalton » Wed Feb 06, 2019 10:57 am
In the Bible hope is not just wishful thinking or a bright optimism. Paul uses the term to refer to confidence and certainty about the things we've been taught, and therefore believe. Our hope is in Jesus Christ, meaning He is the foundation of all we believe, and we know by evidence that He lived, died, and rose again. Therefore we can be confident and certain that our sins are forgiven, that Jesus was who He said He was, and the relationship with Him is real, and there is life after death with Him. This is our "hope". It's what we know. "Hope" has to do with the object of our faith (Jesus and his death and resurrection), the content of our faith (the Holy Spirit in us and the reality of new life), the means of our faith (salvation by faith through the blood of Christ), and the goal of our faith (eternity with Jesus and our ultimate deliverance from this world).
Our hope gives us the ability to look beyond our circumstances that otherwise appear hopeless. Hope is what we know to be true, what we know is our past life-change, our present situation as saved and filled, and our confidence that the future holds exactly what we've been promised.