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How powerful are angels?

Postby Mega Blackhole » Mon Aug 20, 2018 4:46 pm

I ask this because I am a Versus Debater who is from r/whowouldwin and I would like to know How Powerful Angel's are, as I would like to place Angel's in a few match-up's, in order to do so I would need to know what an Angel is capable of, Are they Planet Buster's? or Higher? I personally have alway's thought of Angel's as Multiversal to Nigh-Outerversal/Nigh-Omniversal Being's, So my question is: How Powerful are they? What is there Attack Potency? And please name off some Character's You know an Angel could beat, for future reference, I don't want to create a Xeleestomp or somethin'.
Mega Blackhole

Re: How powerful are angels?

Postby jimwalton » Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:19 pm

Ah, man, you're confusing video gamery with truth. Bad combination. We know very little about them or their power. When angels show up in the Bible they are almost always—ALMOST ALWAYS—just messengers: they speak the words they're supposed to, and they're gone. They did their job.

If they're not delivering a message, more often than not they are protectors (Gn. 48.16; Ex. 23.20; Ps. 34.7: Mt. 4.6 et al.). They are sometimes guides (Ex. 23.20,23; Num. 20.16). How much power all that takes we are not told.

Angels have some power to destroy. Ex. 12; 2 Sam. 24.16-17; 2 Ki. 19.35; 1 Chr. 21.15; Rev. 8; Rev. 14.19 et al. (In Gn. 19 they were messengers, not destroyers.)

In Dan. 6.22, the angel has some control over nature, as in the book of Revelation (7.1, 2).

In Matthew 24.36 Jesus implies they have superhuman knowledge, but limited knowledge nonetheless.

Now, 2 Peter 2.11 (compare also Rev. 5.2, where an angel is described as "mighty"; Ps. 103.20) says they are "strong and powerful." But since it doesn't give examples, we don't really know HOW strong or HOW powerful. We can presume that they are stronger and more powerful than humans. That doesn't tell us much.

So read Revelation 8. That will give you a few clues, but not much. Most of the time in Revelation the angels are messengers.

In Revelation 12.7 the archangel Michael and an army of angels fight against Satan and his followers.

In Revelation 8 and 16 they are agents of God's judgment. In Rev. 18 an angel has great authority and splendor.

They can't do miracles. It is God who does the miracles (Ps. 72.18).

So, what do you make of all that?
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Re: How powerful are angels?

Postby Mega Blackhole » Tue Aug 21, 2018 2:40 pm

Going off of this and what someone else said to Me in this Thread, I can assume Angel's are Star Level, which mean's they're pretty Powerful, Not in the "God-Tier's" of Fiction but still pretty Powerful Angel's = possibly S-Tier.

> Ah, man, you're confusing video gamery with truth. Bad combination.

Is there something horribly wrong here? I just wanted to know if Angel's were strong or not, I am alway's hearing different thing's by different religion's and different Opinion's and frankly I get tired of it, Not only that I am indeed a believer and I do love God but it's hard to keep faith when there is a lot of Negativity in the world and people are constantly bringing up excuse's and reason's to go against God, that's why I don't Debate Religion and Debate Fiction instead since that is MUCH Easier to explain.
Mega Blackhole

Re: How powerful are angels?

Postby jimwalton » Tue Aug 21, 2018 2:42 pm

You wanted to know if angels were strong. We find out from the Bible that they are, but we're not told many details about the extent and kind of strength. But when you're talking about S-tier stuff and star level, you're not talking about the Bible. That's something else, and therefore fictional.

> Is there something horribly wrong here? I just wanted to know if Angel's were strong or not

Yes, they are, but what do you mean by S-tier and "star level"? You're combining something with the Bible, and therefore something is horribly wrong here.
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Re: How powerful are angels?

Postby Mega Blackhole » Wed Aug 22, 2018 11:13 am

Okay, Suppose God want's to keep that a surprise for when We go to Heaven I guess.

S-tier mean's that a Character has Attack Potency around that of a Star or Solar System MEANING They have enough Power to Destroy A Star or Solar System, Some people consider that Herald Level.
Mega Blackhole

Re: How powerful are angels?

Postby jimwalton » Wed Aug 22, 2018 11:13 am

Sorry. This is all made-up stuff then (attack potency, power enough to destroy a star or solar system, herald level). None of this is in the Bible. The Bible never teaches any such stuff. Angels are mostly messengers and agents of judgment, but their judgment is on the earth, not against stars or solar systems. And there is no such thing as "Herald Level" in the Bible. I don't really understand why you're asking these things of Christians.
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Re: How powerful are angels?

Postby Mega Blackhole » Fri Aug 24, 2018 11:13 am

Satan/Lucifer: Was capable of wiping out 1/3 or all star's in the Sky, That is Attack Potency. :lol:
Mega Blackhole

Re: How powerful are angels?

Postby jimwalton » Sat Sep 29, 2018 1:08 am

There you go. I knew you could come up with something. I guess it does no good to tell you this is figurative language? The language is not meant as literal astronomy but rather poetic language for the great devastation of wars. It most likely speaks of some kind of persecution against Christians. Sorry.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Sat Sep 29, 2018 1:08 am.
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