Is it truly possible to repent? What is the true definition for it?
To be saved, we must repent. When we say we must repent our sins, we always follow with how it doesn't mean to just feel sorry and ask for forgiveness but it includes that we turn away from it. This is what I always hear from pastors. However, we can't ever truly repent in that sense, can we?
If I lie and ask for forgiveness later and feel truly sorry for the act, but then a week later do something similar again. Then in the definition given by pastors, I didn't truly repent and am not saved.
If I were to watch porn one night and ask for forgiveness and truly feel bad that I gave into the temptation, but then fall again into it later on, then again, I am not saved due to not following the definition preached.
We all repeat sin. We can genuinely feel bad for our actions, but we repeat the sin anyway sometime in the future. We all do.
Is this what is truly meant by repentance? Turning away from sin, to me, sounds like "if you sin, dont do it again. Walk the other way from it." If we do it again, we didn't turn away.
By that definition, it means that in order to be saved, we technically have to be sinless at some final point in our lives, because we should have turned away from it all.
What is the true definition of repenting for your sins in regards to your salvation? "Turning away from it" sounds just as impossible as being perfect.