> If I understand correctly, you believe that Christians must still follow the law(?).
No, I do not believe that Christians must follow the Law. Jesus says very clearly that the Law has been fulfilled (Mt. 5.17). In Romans 3.20-21, 28, Paul tells us that the Law can't save anyone and we will only find righteousness apart from it. In Romans 6.14 he writes, "You are not under the law." We have died to the Law (Rom. 7.4).
> Can you provide BCV to support your statement "the Bible says we are unable to control ourselves" please?
Romans 7.7-24. Manfred Brauch writes, "What Paul has given us in these verses of chapter 7 is a description of the ultimate futility of life lived in external conformity to law, even though that law is God’s law." It is evident in our need for control. As slaves to sin (Rom. 7.14), we are under its control, not our own. All impurity is a by-product of sin and evidence that Jesus is not in control (Isa. 59.2; Eph. 5.12; 1 Cor. 5.6).
But when we give ourselves to Christ, we yield ourselves to His control, so we are still not in control of ourselves.
That's in one sense. There is another sense, of course, where we are to exercise self-control (Gal. 5.23). Interestingly, though, Kittel writes, "It’s striking how small a part is played by the term [self-control] in biblical religion. The word is not found at all in the gospels." More accurately, self-control is chiefly a matter of letting the Spirit control our lives instead of letting sin control our lives. "Self-control" is mostly a misnomer.
> Somehow I don't think that being free in Christ can be simultaneous with having to keep the law.
I agree.