by jimwalton » Thu Sep 29, 2016 7:35 am
Thanks for asking. It's not death itself that is so noble, but the death of the innocent Son of God that makes us hold Jesus' death in such high regard. We hold it in high regard because our sin separates us from God, and without God we are cut off from our source of life and meaning. If we are just dead in our sins, there is no hope of life or redemption. Only the death of one who did not deserve to die (which excludes all humans) can bridge the gap between sin and God. Therefore the death of Christ is the seminal event in history capable of restoring our relationship with our Creator.
Millions of people die every day as evidence that sin results in death. Jesus' death was the only death capable of breaking the power of sin and death and setting us free from its grip. Because of His death, death no longer has a hold on any of us who believe. Its impact is earth-shaking.
Last bumped by Anonymous on Thu Sep 29, 2016 7:35 am.