by jimwalton » Tue Oct 27, 2020 5:38 pm
We are saved by grace; our rewards in heaven are on the basis of what we did. We don't get to heaven because we've been good but because Jesus offered us a free gift of salvation. If we accept that gift and respond to Jesus in love, we get to enjoy the presence of Jesus forever. Once we are in heaven, though, the degree of reward we enjoy is based on what we did on Earth. That's where the idea of rewards comes from.
I don't care about rewards, though. I just want to love Jesus and honor Him with my life. Any rewards He gives me in heaven I'll just give back to Him, because He's the one who deserves the credit and the honor. The real reward is being with Him.
Last bumped by Anonymous on Tue Oct 27, 2020 5:38 pm.