Board index Specific Bible verses, texts, and passages Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 22:5

Postby Angela » Sun May 29, 2022 2:05 pm

I notice many use that to say women can't wear pant and yet back then men and women wore similar clothes. I often been told it's more of pagan rituals.

Re: Deuteronomy 22:5

Postby jimwalton » Sat Nov 19, 2022 6:11 pm

The question of our culture is: Why is this so wrong? What’s the big deal? We know that in the ancient world, through much of history, and even to some extent our world, clothing symbolizes societal elements such as wealth, status, position, gender, and role—your place in society. Clothes, in essence, are a statement of who we are or who we consider ourselves to be. We use them as an expression to show the world who we think we are.

Though in our world there is very little separation between what men and women wear, it is still possible for a woman to dress distinctively like a man or a man distinctively like a woman.

What the Bible is warning us against is gender confusion. It’s desire is that we maintain sexual distinctions. In the biblical days, gender confusion was considered to be a destabilizing element in society. Is that still the case for us?

If you were to ask a Millennial or a Gen-Z why a boy would dress up in heavy makeup, long hair, a dress, and heels, they may say it’s just to feel good about themselves, but I think there’s more to it than that. I think there’s something far deeper. In my opinion (and I’m an old guy), I would guess that they want to dress that way because they think it’s cool, there’s an element of rebellion in it, and they make a statement and draw attention to themselves—all of which are reasons to it is a statement that has nothing to do with godliness.
Frankly, the Bible doesn’t tell us why God detests anyone who does this, but neither does it tell us why adultery is wrong or lying or stealing. Obviously, it’s easy to infer why those things are wrong, but why is it so important to maintain a distinction between the sexes?

I think there are several reasons.

    1. I think it’s a statement of pride and rebellion.
    2. I think it’s to specifically create gender confusion, which I feel is a destabilizing factor on society.
    3. I think it’s an overemphasis on sex that leads people away from God.

This generation is the first generation since ancient Greece to celebrate transvestism and homosexuality. This generation is more sexually extreme and embedded in gender confusion than anything since 300 BC. Our Gen Z-ers think it’s not only normal, but “tolerant” and even to some extent heroic: We are casting off the shackles of Christian morality and establishing our secularity.

Why is it wrong? I think ultimately it’s a statement and a symbol of walking away from our Christian social foundation.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Sat Nov 19, 2022 6:11 pm.
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