Thanks for taking the time out to write. I pretty much am in agreement with the context of the passage but feel the point still stands.
I am not interested in "health and wealth" but the relationship aspect of this.
The bible is clear on its teaching about suffering, there are enough of them. What is unclear is a believer who has been and keeps asking from God the things off God which are in Gods will.
Jesus desires we make disciples... why then do the doors close for this? He wants us to evangelise, yet when we are in dire need, without food or money ourselves how can we meet the needs of others. Folks look at a pitiful life and hear the person claim "Follow Jesus, worship God...he will change your life!" and they say "Yea! Change for the worse! You are in need! Why won't you flirt with this woman, or try and earn more money? Or help build what we are building here!" Babel Babel Babel...a tower of this world.
Jesus kingdom is NOT of this world... yet I am in the world. He does not speak to me. Do you hear Gods audible voice? He won't speak to me face to face like a man, the same as Moses... does he for you? The visions of John, the angel comforting Daniel, the men in white who came to the women first... do you see them?
Go the other way... the occult... why bother with it. Just ask the other side... do they speak to you? The demons...
I find it staggering that as a Christian who has grown up loving Christ and seeking him.. spending my teens and twenties bible studies, small groups, outreach, mission... yet temptation grew and grew...prayed about it... but it grew. Told my brothers about grew. To be tempted is not a sin; but when you only feel this ALL the time, how can you fight this? No one can, only Christ. Many left...many for this reason, many because they sin and now many do not believe; I still do. I hear the voices of ideas which are not necessarily bad but are off this world... "You are smart, not greedy, you can help others, people should like you... " but God isn't there, in the good things... the thorns of the world that choke.
I only hope I have placed my trust in the truth. God does not respond to me, or to others I know. Some tell me stories like what you have written; I notice the atheist has pointed out to you about science and evidence with prayer... his arguments at their core and source are very powerful. Surely, there would be evidence for prayer. The bible is evidence for God, it claims to be; yet history is becoming history as we sleepwalk into a transhumanist virtual age; 'humanity must evolve or doom!'; the world has already exclaimed this. The gospel of John was written so that we may believe...John was using science, he is writing down an account of the evidence... we need evidence to believe. "But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name."
The bible is not the Truth. It claims to be the truth about the Truth. A relationship is living, I speak to Jesus... I listen, I speak to others, I ask them, try to follow yet year after year having the blank screen... no response. It has shattered my faith. I am not looking for evidence...a voice or an angel, but to day after day have no certainy at all now... nothing to place my faith on except the fact that some faith exists. God has sent his delusion on the world I fear.
Bullshit aside...wishes and waffly stories aside. Does God relate back to us... it is one thing to base faith on works, or demand or manipulate...or ask for things we want...
What I have been doing is trying to relate to God... the relationship has been one sided for twenty years I suppose...unless he answers. I fear he isn't taking action until he returns to rule someday.