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The Gospel According to Matthew

Matthew 8:31 - Why pigs?

Postby Sarah Rose » Mon Dec 05, 2016 9:16 am

Hey- why did Jesus send the demons into the pigs? He killed the pigs for seemingly no other reason than to do what the demons were begging him to do, which makes no sense?
Sarah Rose

Re: Matthew 8:31 - Why pigs?

Postby jimwalton » Mon Dec 05, 2016 9:17 am

Why pigs?

1. It’s an indication of the totally pagan environment of the story. Pigs were forbidden to Jews, so they were a symbol of godlessness.

2. Pigs were unclean (ritually) animals, a suitable place for unclean spirits. They were a symbol of godlessness.

3. All of Jesus’s actions, and especially his miracles, have a deeper symbolic meaning. With Jesus, there’s always another layer. Jesus has been railing against the total inadequacy of religion and Judaism. The pigs may also symbolize (1) how corrupt Judaism has become, and (2) how inadequate Judaism is to bring salvation. It may be another statement, especially in Luke, or Jesus’s rejection of religion and Judaism. The pigs (symbolic of a religion gone bad) continue their destructive work in the world, but not in Jesus’s realm.
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Re: Matthew 8:31 - Why pigs?

Postby Sarah Rose » Mon Dec 05, 2016 1:07 pm

So interesting! So it wasn't to just be nice to Legion, which is what it kinda sounded like?
Sarah Rose

Re: Matthew 8:31 - Why pigs?

Postby jimwalton » Mon Dec 05, 2016 1:08 pm

Right. It was not. Usually when Jesus cast out demons, they were just out. We don't know anything else about it or them. But in this particular case we are specifically told about the pigs, which means there was a symbolism behind that. Jesus was making a point other than that he had the power to cast out demons and other than that he could help people who were otherwise hopeless. As I said, with Jesus, there's ALWAYS more to it. We learn to look for those extras.
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Re: Matthew 8:31 - Why pigs?

Postby Sarah Rose » Fri Dec 30, 2016 2:23 am

Every time I've heard the story in church I've always wondered about it. Last night it came up in my devotions so I thought I would ask. It makes a lot more sense!

Last bumped by Anonymous on Fri Dec 30, 2016 2:23 am.
Sarah Rose

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