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Christians coming out of witchcraft

Postby Garnet » Thu Nov 09, 2017 1:57 pm

I am new to the board and so glad to have found it. Being new I'm not sure if this has been discussed or not, forgive me if it has.
I am curious to know, when a saved Christian backslides, and in flat out anger and rebellion against God converts to paganism and practices witchcraft, all this for about 15 years, and then, as the prodigal son, gives their life back to the Lord, can this person expect to have more demonic attacks against them in their return to God? And if so, is their freedom from this bondage as simple as growing in the word and prayer, with much rebuking? Or is there going to be more to reaching their freedom from this door that they have opened?
Thank you for any thoughts.
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Re: Christians coming out of witchcraft

Postby jimwalton » Thu Nov 09, 2017 5:00 pm

Hey, great question. Thanks for asking, and welcome to the forum. :)

I think the best place to go for an answer to your question is to Matthew 12.43-45. We take this as parabolic, though. Jesus is telling a story to make a point about the hypocritical religious leaders. Jesus has turned the tables on his accusers. They accused him of casting out demons by the power of Satan, a charge Jesus strongly refutes. Here Jesus returns the indictment: they, not he, are the servants of the Accuser and Deceiver. Jesus’s point is that although he is casting out demons, this wicked generation is inviting all the more back in.

Just to let you know, I believe very strongly that a demon cannot enter a Christian for possession. The believer is God's temple, and neither Satan nor his minions have access there. I see no indication in Scripture that a Christian can be possessed. By the same token, there are enough references, along with plenty of testimony from missionaries and other Christians, that Satan can certainly oppress believers (Mt. 16.23; 1 Pet. 5.8; James 4.7). To some extent, Satan makes it his business to oppress Christians and to deceive them.

I think it's quite fair to say that a person who has been a participant in the practice of witchcraft could certainly expect demonic attacks against them. Satan does not give up ground easily, and he will not just let a soul go without a fight (Eph. 6.10-18). We are engaged in a great spiritual battle, and the human soul is the battleground.

The Bible instructs us on how to guard against the demonic onslaught:

1. 1 Peter 5.6; James 4.7: "Humble yourself under God's might hand." Put yourself under his protection. Have you seen the 2005 Peter Jackson movie "King Kong"? About 2/3 of the way through the movie, a T-Rex is after the girl. Kong & the dino are fighting all the way down into the valley through a tangle of ropes. The girl lands right between Kong and the T-Rex. She's been afraid of Kong all along, but now stands between two giants. She decides to move over between Kong's feet. She realizes the T-Rex wants to destroy her but Kong wants to protect here. Put yourself under God's protection.

2. 1 Peter 5.7: "Cast all your anxiety on [God] because he cares for you. When we are under oppression, lean on the One who is legitimate strength in this situation.

3. 1 Peter 5.8: "be self-controlled and alert." Know what the Bible says about spiritual oppression, and know that God gives us victory against it (which doesn't mean that he keeps it away from us). There are plenty of Scriptures that are spiritual wisdom, strength, and protection against demonic oppression. Keep your head in the right place. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of need.

About 10 years ago we let our dog outside before bedtime, and he must have smelled a shrew (a mouse-like rodent) in the tiger lilies, because his tail started wagging and he plunged into the flora. He pushed and snorted, pulled out and went around to the other side, pushed and snorted. He crashed through them. He dug in them. He went around and around. He sniffed and wagged. This must be where the expression “dogged persistence” came from.

I was standing near the perimeter, hoping that the shrew might make a dash for it, and I could call the dog to get him. After a half hour I had to pull him away so we could go to bed. He probably would not have quit. He would have snorted and dug and pushed and sniffed until he got his prey.

While he was digging my mind went to this verse (1 Pet. 5.8). Satan is hunting me, and so many others. With dogged persistence. Hunting, because he wanted the kill. And he would not quit. But as it turned out, the safest place for the shrew was right where he was: to find that place of safety and just stay there. For us, that place is in the arms of our Father. Just stay there.

4. 1 Peter 5.9; James 4.7; Eph. 6.10-18: "Resist the devil and he will flee from you." He is at work in your circumstances, in your heart, your mind, your mouth, and your actions. You have to resist temptation and your natural desires that are at work inside you.

I watched a documentary about a trainer of fighters. He said, "If you are trained in your mind not to break down and let the other fighter impose their will on you, you can turn the fight around at any time. … Nothing is ever as it seems to be."

Have no delusions about the reality of the powers of darkness or their hostility. But do not fear them. The God inside you terrifies them. They cannot touch you, let alone hurt you. But they can still seduce you, and they will try.

5. 1 Peter 5.9: "Stand firm in the faith." Purpose in your heart that you will not give in, you will not waver, that Satan has no control over you. Learn Scripture and quote it when temptation comes.

6. James 4.8; Ps. 27.1-5: "Draw near to God."

7. Meditate on God's word. I usually find a passage in the morning and meditate on it ALL DAY LONG. I roll it around in my head, thinking about different pieces of it, what it means, what it means for me. I go to bed still bathing in its richness.

Those are a few things that come to mind, from Scripture. Let's talk more as you want to.
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Re: Christians coming out of witchcraft

Postby Garnet » Thu Nov 09, 2017 7:16 pm

Thank you so much for your reply. You gave me some great insight, and some great verses to look up and meditate on.

I don't share these things for obvious reasons. I don't feel most understand, and many can't handle it at all. But since no one knows me here....and yes, my question is pertaining to myself.

I have come a long way, and my return took a very long time, and much struggle. Over the last few years, before I was completely ready to come back, yet longing in my heart to, I had definite physical attacks. One of the things that would happen involved an attack in my brain, blocking my ability to think or understand. This happened numerous times when I would attend a friend's church. This friend walked the same path as me, so she understood and wasn't shocked by anything. But it would be as if a black veil would come down over my brain, and I would no longer be able to think or understand anything that was being said. Each time this happened it would send me fleeing from the sanctuary, totally freaked out. Of course at this time I didn't have the Lord so I just gave into it and ran away. There were other more serious attacks, but honestly I feel no need to go into that, as I was living without God at the time, and today He is my Lord and savior, so I don't want to give light to areas that are no longer an issue.

Fast forward to today. With the passing of my mother this past year, I was ready to finally quit fighting God's very persistent calling (Thank you Lord), and I completely gave my heart back to Him. Completely and fully I have repented and have put Him back on the throne of my life. I have found a wonderful church, and have been taking classes regularly. And besides some very emotional things that have come up in my life since then, I've been pretty good. And only once in my new church has that black veil come to visit, but through the power in the name of Jesus I was quickly able to send it fleeing.

My biggest concern right now, and the reason for my question, is in the last few weeks. I have had this happen in my class that I'm taking at the moment. And though I try and fight it off, it seems to be winning. I end up in class, confused and unable to comprehend a thing. The longer it lasts the more upsetting it becomes for me. The desire to run has crossed my mind. When class is over I'm distraught for the rest of the evening. It's extremely upsetting, and physically exhausting. It's also happened a couple of times while doing homework at home. It's a dark and horrible feeling and I need to see it end for good.

Now, I know that what I got myself into was dark, and I opened the door to some pretty horrible things. I just thank God for His grace and His mercy. He waited for me. He waited for a long long time. And I can never express my gratefulness to Him. I owe Him everything! But I knew there'd be battles. I would be crazy to think otherwise. But I cannot allow this controlling of my mind to continue. The devil knows that this game sent me running in the past, and I am sure that this is why he torments me the same. But I am fighting back this time, and I am SO thankful for all the verses that you gave me, because therein lies my weapon! And I am ready to do battle!

I'm not sure why I didn't know how to handle this? I wasn't sure if I needed someone to pray over me? I wasn't sure if I could handle this myself. It can really make one feel helpless and hopeless...wondering if you can ever get away from what you so desperately want to leave behind. But now I do understand that I have all the power, in Him, that is all that I need.

No, I don't share this stuff. And I can't believe I just said all that I did. This kind of thing gives you the feeling that people will think you a freak. Or maybe just a complete idiot. And well, though I probably was, still I want people to see me now for who the Lord is making me to be. His grace is sufficient. And because of His love I have been made new.

Thank you again! :)
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Re: Christians coming out of witchcraft

Postby Garnet » Thu Nov 09, 2017 7:23 pm

And I have to say, this really touched me. So simple, but so important and good.

>>But as it turned out, the safest place for the shrew was right where he was: to find that place of safety and just stay there. For us, that place is in the arms of our Father. Just stay there.<<
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Re: Christians coming out of witchcraft

Postby jimwalton » Thu Nov 09, 2017 8:07 pm

Garnet, glad it was of help. I have never dabbled in witchcraft or the occult, but did go through an extremely dark patch in my life about 15 years ago for about 3 years. I could speak long about it to you, but will choose not to for the time being. The reason I bring it up is because I repeatedly and often found that rehearsing Scripture in my mind was often the way out. No matter what kind of darkness was descending on me, what battery of deceptive, dark, and destructive thoughts, the rehearsing of Scripture was of help. I had passages like Psalm 23, various pieces of other psalms, 2 Cor. 12.9, even the Beatitudes (Mt. 5.3-12), and many others in my mind, and would meditate on them day and night. I found there was great power in the Word of God.
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Re: Christians coming out of witchcraft

Postby Garnet » Thu Nov 09, 2017 9:01 pm

Well you have given me great insight tonight. Maybe it's because I am brand new once again in the Lord, after many many years, but I honestly didn't know how to face the things that I am dealing with. And to have revelation tonight that the power lies in me through the word of's brought tears to my eyes. I should have known but I didn't. And now I feel for the first time in my life that I'm going to be okay.

So I know that I am new here, but someday I would love to hear your story. It's been easy for me to get so wrapped up in my own sin and rebellion, that I can sometimes feel I am the worst of the worst, not thinking that anyone can know the depths of despair. And of course that is just not true.

Blessings to you! And enjoy the rest of your week!
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