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What is the Bible? Why do we say it's God's Word? How did we get it? What makes it so special?
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Do I have to read the whole Bible?

Postby Orange » Tue Apr 03, 2018 3:51 pm

After seeing what's going on in the world, I saw that Syria Looks like the Apocalypse started, and it made me think "Are we really in end times?" Someone said,"You need to understand the scriptures." I was wondering: Do I have to read the bible to show my faith in god and to understand the scriptures?

Re: Do I have to read the whole Bible?

Postby jimwalton » Sat May 05, 2018 12:31 am

You don't have to read the whole Bible to show your faith in God, but the more you know about the Bible, the more informed your faith will be. You show your faith in God by imitating him (Eph. 5.1) and by being like Jesus (Rom. 8.29), which are two ways of saying the same thing. You show your faith in God by loving God and obeying him. The Bible tells you how to do that and what it looks like.
As far as the end times, if you want to know what the Bible says about it, the more you know about the Bible, the better off you'll be. But if you just want to know some stuff about the end times, read...

- Ezekiel 37-38
- Daniel 7
- Daniel 9.20-27
- Matthew 24
- 1 Thes. 4.13-18
- the book of Revelation

There are a LOT more (they're really all over the Bible), but these will get you started. We can discuss what you're reading if you want.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Sat May 05, 2018 12:31 am.
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