I skipped over lots of things! One can't deal with the problem of evil in 10,000 characters or less!
![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif)
I gave a brief overview, that's all.
As far as the issue of natural evil, we all understand that the entire concept and gamut of evil is difficult to capture under a single umbrella. There is the evil that humans use their free will to choose to do, there is evil we perceive in the destructive qualities of natural disasters, and there is also the evil we see in diseases that have nothing to do with the choices of humans. Some people would conclude that any suffering is “evil” because it involves pain endured by people; and therefore even accidents with machinery are “evil.” Some would say any kind of pain or negative experience is “evil.” There is also societal evil, like the Holocaust, political evil (in oppressive regimes), and spiritual evil (Satan and demons and whatever other spiritual forces try to wreak havoc on the planet).
I can at least carve a distinction between moral evil (evil that is the result of people’s choices) and natural evil (e.g., volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes, etc.). Natural “evil” is only generally considered evil, however, if there is collateral damage. In other words, a volcano that doesn’t kill anyone or anything is an event worthy of scientific inquiry, but not evil; but if a person gets killed or injured, it is interpreted as natural evil. This is false thinking because for the latter to be truly evil, there has to be an immoral intent from a personal cause in creating the lava flow with the specific objective of bringing about suffering. A tree falling in the woods isn’t evil, nor is a volcano on a deserted island (or one that creates an island). Therefore, in my opinion, “natural evil” is a misnomer, and if people get caught in natural events as circumstantial victims, we cannot accuse the volcano, or nature at large, of being evil. We can only attribute the title of “evil” to that which has been perpetrated by a personal force against what is understood as “good.” Therefore moral evil and willful evil are the only true kinds of evil.
At its most focused, then, the accusation of “evil” should be reserved solely for the outworking of a conscious and personal will in opposition to an objective moral standard of “good” and “right.” After all, if everything that happens in the world is just natural occurrences, and we are nothing more than the current stage of an evolutionary sequence, the word “evil” is meaningless because matter, chemistry, physical laws, and biological structures assembled by chance cannot be deemed evil or good, but only “existent.” Events either “are,” or “are not,” that’s all. By the same token, natural “evil” can only be construed as evil only if one assumes (or can prove) a moral agent perpetrated the action without the possibility of there being a greater good at stake.
I had mentioned about our natural world being dynamic rather than static, which is not only of benefit, but also probably necessary. Our world seems filled with the “Butterfly Effect,” not only in meteorological and geological phenomena, but even biological electrical impulses, the firing pattern of neurons in our brains, ecosystems, and such things. They behave occasionally in wild ways (the Zika virus, cancerous growths, plagues of disease). They also result in natural “evil,” as previously mentioned.
God should not stop all of these phenomena from happening, just as He should not stop all bad things from happening to good people. Such a dynamic world is essential for life as we know it. God would want to create this kind of world (a dynamic one) if He were creating the best possible world where free will is still at large. For instance, since both our circulatory system and nervous system are beneficial chaotic systems, there is strong biological evidence proving that dynamical systems are beneficial to life. The heart can recover from occasional arrhythmias because it doesn’t always follow the “rules”; the body can create new arteries; our brains can recover from some injuries because neurons can sometimes create new paths. Not only that, but if the brain were static, creativity wouldn’t be possible. Natural processes (trees, snowflakes, clouds, shorelines, faces) couldn’t produce novel outcomes, as they now do.
If God had created a static world (without natural evil), He would have at the same time eliminated all reason, creativity, and scientific inquiry, because our brains wouldn’t be able to think in new paths. And if in His sovereignty He overrode all possibilities of evil, He would also be overriding all possibilities of good. As much as we detest suffering, this would not be a desirable world. Natural science, engineering, and education would be nonexistent; courage and excitement would be absent. Careful structural design would be meaningless (no earthquake or tornado would ever be allowed to hit a building, and God would stop any building from ever collapsing on a person). Medical arts wouldn’t exist, since disease would never harm or kill.
Therefore, even an omnipotent God would not make a dynamical world, given our present human situation, in which natural “evil” cannot occur. It is not only self-contradictory and absurd (He is incapable of both), but also ultimately undesirable, if not impossible, as a form of existence.
> You also neglected to mention God's sovereignty over the universe and its design. No one — not least of whom God himself — forced him to create a universe and world in which there's ultraviolet radiation cancer, pediatric leukemia, and catastrophic tsunamis. If we can imagine a world without these, and if God isn't limited by physical laws, then God could have made this happen.
In the grand scheme of things, the world that we have is a superior state of affairs because it is the only one that allows for the benefits of dynamism, creativity, science, learning, reasoning, and human nature (love, compassion, forgiveness, will, reasoning, logic, science, justice, etc.).