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Did Peter and Judas have free will for what they did?

Postby Fishy McFly » Tue Oct 15, 2019 1:29 pm

In the lead up to the crucifixion of Jesus, did Peter (denied Jesus) or Judas (betrayed Jesus) have free will to not be disloyal?
Fishy McFly

Re: Did Peter and Judas have free will for what they did?

Postby jimwalton » Thu Oct 31, 2019 6:18 pm

Yes, they both had free will to either do or not do what they did.

If we read Romans 9.14-33, we learn that even those who are evil, ignorant, misshapen, and rebellious have a chance, through their own free will, to turn to the Lord and be remade as new creations. Jesus appealed to Judas over and over, especially at the Last Supper, washing his feet and dipping the sup with him. Judas had every opportunity to turn, exercise his free will, and be godly. But he didn’t.

But the whole story would unravel if Judas didn’t betray him. Here’s the deal: Judas was a betrayer long before Jesus picked him up. He was chosen as a disciple as a betrayer. We know that Judas skimmed off the money purse, betraying his own discipleship group. God didn’t force Judas to do what he did, but the conclusion was certain. Judas was set up, but there was always an opportunity to not do it. Judas chose it.

Let’s take Peter. There was also a prophecy that Peter would deny, and that Peter would fall away, and what Jesus said about that was, “Satan wants to sift you like wheat, but I will pray for you.” In other words, Peter had the same choice. Peter chose what Judas could have: Peter chose to turn back.

God has a right to change predestination. The story of Jonah is proof. So also Jer. 18.1-12. It’s also the parable of the workers in the vineyard: God has a right to be generous.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Thu Oct 31, 2019 6:18 pm.
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