by jimwalton » Sun Oct 20, 2019 5:33 pm
Most forms of Christianity believe in free will, and I am a Christian who happens to believe in free will. In fact, I think free will is necessary for us to be truly thinking, for there to be something like science, or for us to be human (like love, kindness, forgiveness, etc.). I think it's impossible that there's no free will.
There is still no evidence that "God made them that way," or that "God decided for someone to be gay or trans." Since this conversation comes up often enough, I emailed a group of 4 biologists and 2 geneticists that I know to really find out if there is a "gay gene" or if people are born gay or they are engineered from birth to be trans. The science doesn't bear out that perspective or conclusion.
As it turns out, no one knows the origins of homosexual orientation. While research is going on continually, the weight of evidence so far (in the research) is that homosexuality is not inborn but is a learned behavior/orientation. There is no "gay gene," but there are certainly genetic and biological factors that contribute to a person's sexuality. No one's quite ready to say that being gay is genetic, nor is gayness inherited, and yet there's more to it than environment and upbringing. One study said, "Nonheterosexuality is in part influenced by many tiny genetic effects.” It also said that these genetic variants could not reliably predict someone’s sexual orientation. “There’s really no predictive power.” There is a whole lot involved in our sexual orientation picture, at least part of it is biological, but no one can say it's inborn or genetic.
So, since we are not determined (God doesn't decide everything), and since there is no "gay gene" that we know of, then we can conclude that God didn't make them that way.