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How do we come into a relationship with God? What does that mean, and how does one go about that? How does somebody get to heaven?

How to believe?

Postby Toxic Neurons » Wed Feb 05, 2020 2:24 pm

I've tried so many times. Prayed, gone to church, opened my heart, etc. I was raised in the church and now sit here at 30 and the only thing I've ever felt or heard from God is crickets. I truly believe religion isn't for some people.
Toxic Neurons

Re: How to believe?

Postby jimwalton » Wed Feb 05, 2020 2:35 pm

> I truly believe religion isn't for some people.
I'm sorry to hear you've had such a rough time. I do believe that all of us are different and we relate to God in different ways. For some, it's all intellectual (learning, knowing, understanding); for some, it's all emotional (how we feel and getting excited when we're in church); for most it's a blend. Remember, it's a relationship, not being religious. Just like earthly relationships, some people are very emotive and others have an intellectual friendship—and that's OK. We relate to God as individuals, not as conformists.

> I've ever felt or heard from God is crickets

It's certainly not about feelings. I entered a relationship with God because it was true, not because I had certain feelings or because of what it did for me. The Bible is quite honest (Heb. 11.32-38) that some people have very rich experiences and some quite lousy. But it's not about how we feel, what happens in our lives (our circumstances), or whether we are aware of any material or emotional benefit (2 Cor. 1.8-11; 11.21-29; 12.7-10). We're Christians because we have assessed it to be true.

I find that God rarely speaks to me while I am praying (believe me, I have tried, cried, scream and gotten quite angry about this). That's not the way He reveals Himself to me. For me, God speaks to me through the Bible. I take a verse, or a passage, and mull it over in my head all day long, or several days if need be, and trying to figure out all about it: what it's saying, what it says about God, what it says about me, what it means. And I ask God to help me understand it deeply. That's where I hear "the voice of God." (I've never actually heard a voice.) But all kinds of thoughts run through my head, and I get understanding, and I learn.

Each of us is different. God apparently talks to some people in prayer, but not me. People get all emotional in church, but that's not me, either. But the Bible is where God speaks to me, in understanding and help.

So let's talk some more. You're obviously frustrated.
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Re: How to believe?

Postby Toxic Neurons » Thu Feb 06, 2020 10:57 am

Thank you for your response. It put some things in perspective for me. It was definitely more compassionate and informative than most other responses.
Toxic Neurons

Re: How to believe?

Postby Scape211 » Fri Feb 28, 2020 1:53 am

I have to say I agree in many ways. I truly have felt annoyed or frustrated at times when I hear others who can pray with God for hours or who have huge emotional breakthroughs in worship services. This level of emotion with God doesn't really hit me. I've also played in worship bands my whole life so it seems odd. Maybe I think too much about the music technically for the rest to hit me or my mind gets easily distracted with prayer. Who knows.

I will also agree that the journey I've had through the bible in its interpretation through evidence, philosophy, science, etc. has really been a strong point in my faith. The revelation I feel through this has definitely deepened my connection to God. Sure I desire for the emotional connection others have at times, but if God is really all about this relationship it makes complete sense that it will vary from person to person.

Make no mistake, this can be tough since it doesn't have the defined road map of other religions (pray this many times a day, go to confession, etc etc), but the connection you can have with God will be like no other since its between you and Him. I hope you will continue to pursue it and God reveals Himself in new ways to you.

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