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How does one pray in the spirit?

Postby Marybeth » Wed Apr 21, 2021 6:51 pm

Hello, following John Piper in his study of Ephesians 2:14-18, and 6:17-18.
Piper suggested we should pray in the Spirit, not in our own power or strength, which is inadequate.
How does one pray in the Spirit?
Thank you
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Re: How does one pray in the spirit?

Postby jimwalton » Fri Apr 23, 2021 10:43 am


Thanks for writing. I’m glad to discuss this with you.

Let me roll through a couple of technical pieces first, and then to a general explanation.

In Ephesians 6.18, Paul instructs us to “pray in the Spirit.” First, the word he uses for prayer is the most general word the Greeks had for prayer, meaning right off the bat that he is emphasizing the FACT of prayer rather than a particular TYPE of prayer.

Second, when he writes “in the Spirit,” that preposition “in” indicates a state of being rather than a locality. It’s what’s going on inside of us rather than us having to be in a particular place. There is no contextual indication that he’s talking about praying in tongues. Rather, this thought of his is more rightly connected with other passages in Ephesians on the Spirit, especially Eph. 3.16 and 5.18. There is also no indication that he is speaking of any kind of ecstasy, but rather prayer that is uniting in fellowship my soul with the heart of God.

Praying "in the Spirit,” therefore, is God-motivated and God-centered prayer based in the truth of the Scripture. One can pray with selfish motives (James 4.3), and one can pray and not be in the Spirit (as Eph. 6.18; Jude 1.20 would imply). Prayer in the Spirit issues from one's relationship with God. In Jude it contrasts with the false prayers of the false teachers (Jude 1.17-19), so it means prayer that is infused, guided, and empowered by the Spirit.

Paul has mentioned the Spirit 14 times in Ephesians.

  • The Spirit seals (1.13; 4.30)
  • is the medium of wisdom and revelation (1.17)
  • grants access to the Father (2.18)
  • God lives in us by His Spirit (2.22)
  • the Spirit reveals the mystery of the gospel (3.5)
  • we are strengthened with power through the Spirit (3.16)
  • the medium of unity (4.3)
  • The source of our songs (5.19)
  • The power behind the word of God (6.17)

It is in many of these senses that Paul is speaking. The Spirit is the one who opens the door for us to grant an audience with the King. He is God’s power within us, always living inside of us (3.16[1] and 5.18[2]), guiding us into what to pray and making us effective in our souls to connect with God and His will. The Spirit is also, then, the One who reveals God’s answer to us.

I hope that helps. Feel free to write back with more questions or comments, and we can continue the discussion,

[1] “I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being,”

[2] “Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit,”
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