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The book of Revelation, the Apocalypse of John

Rev. 13:12 - The second beast needs the first?

Postby Pointy Head » Sun Jan 09, 2022 3:08 pm

What's your interpretation on 2nd beast performing miracles and work ONLY in presence of 1st Beast?

Rev. 13:12:
.....And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast BEFORE HIM,.....And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do IN THE SIGHT OF THE BEAST;

Exercising power of 1st beast(Why though? Is the beast lazy?) And doing miracles in sight of beast?

Sounds like the 2nd beast go useless when 1st beast is not around. Like Remote without TV. Any explanation?
Pointy Head

Re: Rev. 13:12 - The second beast needs the first?

Postby jimwalton » Mon Jun 19, 2023 3:49 am

You're in Rev. 13.12. Part of the problem here is the translation you're working from. The term there is ἐνώπιον (enopion), and it can mean several things: in his presence; before his face; in his sight." Culturally the word was used when someone showed respect or deference to another, and even homage and worship. So it could mean that he only acted in the presence of Beast 1, but it's more likely that his actions were in deference to the 1st beast to bring people to worship him/her/it. The following portion of Rev. 13 (vv. 13-17) seem to indicate that the 2nd beast is acting globally, and not chained, so to speak, in the presence of beast 1. What it means is that he always acts in deference to the first beast and on his behalf, not always necessarily in his presence.
> Exercising power of 1st beast(Why though? Is the beast lazy?)

No, the 1st beast isn't lazy. The dragon, 1st beast, and 2nd beast act like a demonic anti-trinity, mimicking the Trinity where one Person of the Trinity gives glory to another. So also the 2nd beast will give glory to the first as the dragon gives authority to the 1st beast (Rev. 13.2). The description of the 1st beast in Rev. 13.1-4 doesn't give any appearance of laziness.

> Sounds like the 2nd beast go useless when 1st beast is not around.

That's not the impression I get when I read the text. I see a horrid and powerful dragon giving authority to conquer the Earth to beast #1, and beast #2 is also delegated, authorized, deputized and empowered to deceive, blaspheme, and murder.

They are all acting on a global stage.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Mon Jun 19, 2023 3:49 am.
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