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The book of Revelation, the Apocalypse of John

Who or what is Mystery Babylon?

Postby I Will Provide » Mon Jul 03, 2023 12:50 pm

Revelation 17:5 to be exact. Seems like Johnny the Baptist had lots of fun writing about the Mystery Woman ;)
I Will Provide

Re: Who or what is Mystery Babylon?

Postby jimwalton » Fri Jul 28, 2023 7:32 am

America is becoming and now is the modern representation of the Roman Empire, covered with blasphemy, holding a golden cup filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries. She is the whore of Babylon, and LGBT is her lover. PRIDE is the pregnant mother, and TRANS is the new religion. The public schools have become her church.

The whore of Babylon in Revelation is the city of Rome, symbolizing a dominant world system involving the prostitution of all that is right and noble for the ends of global power and wealth for the elite—and that’s what we’re seeing. The sum total of pagan culture, social, intellectual, religious, and commercial, that opposes and oppresses the people of God. It is sin, carnality, lust, and greed. It is America, LGBT, the Roman Catholic Church, and the one world government we see developing now. The “many waters” are the governments and nations of the Earth. Nations, banks, and businesses have to conform to the adulteries of CRT, DEI, climate tyrannies, and LGBT to thrive. Those who don’t are cut off. It is America, the scarlet beast, who is forcing them to fornicate. The “seven heads and ten horns” is an image of complete power and domination.

And if America was to fall, Revelation 18 sounds just like it.

Babylon is a symbol for world systems oriented against God: worldliness, secularism, atheism, militarism, consumerism, materialism, humanism, etc. "Babylon" was lived out in Babylon, Rome, and some would say in our modern world even in America, the Vatican, corrupt political, religious, philosophical, and ideological rebellion against God's truth.

I’m curious what you think.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Fri Jul 28, 2023 7:32 am.
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