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What is the Bible? Why do we say it's God's Word? How did we get it? What makes it so special?
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Re: If you believe the Bible is “the Word of God,” WHY?

Postby Zircon » Thu Dec 28, 2023 6:24 pm

> shows a consistency of theme and a coherent message.

So you keep claiming.

> On almost every page one can find teaching about understanding God properly,

"Properly" as defined by who?

> The Bible is NOT a precise rule and weighting guide, never claims to be and never pretends to be.

Good, we agree on something.

> The purpose of the covenant is to reveal God

Okay, but that doesn't appear good enough to settle religion-related disputes. Person A said "God wants us to do X", but Person B says "No, God wants us to do Y". Nothing you have written gives readers clear ways to solve that, just nebulous feel-good kind of things.

Re: If you believe the Bible is “the Word of God,” WHY?

Postby jimwalton » Tue Jan 09, 2024 7:14 pm

> So you keep claiming.

More than claiming. I showed the evidence of the themes that are consistent throughout the Bible and the coherent message of the Bible. So, not just a claim, but something you can read for yourself to verify or refute. Just saying "so you claim" is not an argument.

> "Properly" as defined by who?

By God. As you read the Bible and can see for yourself the consistency of themes and coherence of message, one can readily observe that the Bible is God's revelation of Himself so that we are able to understand God properly—as He has revealed Himself to be.

> that doesn't appear good enough to settle religion-related disputes.

The Bible wasn't written to solve all religion-related disputes. It was given to us to reveal God so that we can understand Him properly. It doesn't answer every question we have, nor does it pretend to deal with all of the nonsense people can dream up to dispute about. What it gives us is a thorough and deep enough picture of God that we can understand Him and have a meaningful relationship with Him. But there will never in the course of the world be an end to the gibberish people invent.

> Nothing you have written gives readers clear ways to solve that

Sure it does. The study of the Bible that gives a picture of God, His will and His ways resolves much of it. It's just that people are so motivated to see things their way instead of what is written that the malarkey takes hold of them.

> just nebulous feel-good kind of things.

Oh, not at all. This is maliciously reductionistic and tragically mistaken.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Tue Jan 09, 2024 7:14 pm.
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