Admitting that one is a Christian in our secular country seems to be tantamount to claiming we flushed our brains down the toilet and want to just shuffle through the rest of life stupid. The impression by those who discriminate against Christianity is that Christians have somehow lost their ability to think objectively.

Back in 2017, Senator Diane Feinstein was questioning U.S. Court-nominee Amy Coney Barrett about her possible future position on the court. Feinstein implied that faith compromises one’s ability to think by saying, “the dogma lives loudly within you.”

Recently the New York Times questioned whether US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s faith was a concern regarding his ability to engage in sensible negotiations and objective policy recommendations, particularly concerning Israel.

The primary question, of course, is whether or not our faith should play itself out in all of our values, perspectives, attitudes, words, and actions, or whether faith should be relegated to the “religious” and “Sunday” parts of our lives and be kept separate from “real life.” To me that’s like asking, “Should eating be treated as something we do three times a day that needs to be kept independent from the rest of life?”

Faith that doesn’t play itself out in life is not faith at all, but instead just religious game-playing. If secularists can keep us in the category of religious gamers, they can try to avoid the life-altering implications of the gospel. We can never allow it.

In addition, we Christians must be continually conscientious about making sure we don’t come across as intellectually-challenged, science-denying, eyes-closed-to-politics, anti-environmental Earth-destroying maniacs (since we don’t care), live-in-our-rabbit hole separatists.

I saw a “Madam Secretary” show the other night where the leader of a large evangelical Christian group was portrayed as anti-science and anti-environment. All I could do was shake my head in disappointment.

No, we Christians need to do better. We need to love the Lord our God with all of our…MINDS.

To read the NY Times article, click here

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