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Islam is a master work of Satan

Postby Loving the Ride » Tue Feb 28, 2017 6:03 pm

I have read the Quran twice and studied the life of Mohammed for years, and can tell you for sure that it is a master work of Satan in many ways. Oddly, that was one of the things that helped lead me to Christ. I think that too many in our society has gone too soft and fail to see the evil in this world. Sometimes it is easier to see Good when you see the Evil in this world. Islam is Satan's greatest success that I know of because of the 1.5 billion followers.

As a Christian, you should at least know the following verses from the Quran:

ISLAM denies Jesus's divinity and His Crucifixion:
Surah 4:17: And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him;

ISLAM denies the trinity, and confuses Mary to be part of the Trinity: Quran 4:171 And do not say, "Three"; desist - it is better for you. Indeed, Allah is but one God.

ISLAM defines Jews and Christians as enemies:
Quran 5:51: O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another

What more could Satan want than to deny Jesus and the Crucifixion? I think Satan saw the spread of Christianity and decided, if you can't beat them, join them. He has had a good laugh for 1400 years now.

The visions of Jesus that Muslims are now having are great, and some of the best Christians I know are former Muslims. I hope to see that happen more, but unfortunately, many are becoming Atheist. The Quran has many internal contradictions, but a light of hope is that it also says that Muslims should seek clarification of the Scriptures from "People of the Book", which is what it calls Jews and Christians. The quran is insidiously hard to read because chapters are sorted by SIZE! That is the kind of thing Satan would do to hide the evil. The Imams know the correct order though, and the Quran itself says that the later verses take precedence over the earlier verses. Unfortunately for humanity, the later verses are the most violent and insidious. The Quran is also viewed through the life of Mohammed, who was the most evil person who ever lived. The first half actually came from some Aryan psalms and Nestorian heresies and are not bad. That combination of nice stuff with evil is like a Pedophile who drives a candy truck. Good people can use it for years without realizing the great evil that they are supporting.
Loving the Ride

Re: Islam is a master work of Satan

Postby jimwalton » Tue Feb 28, 2017 6:12 pm

Yeah, I've read a bunch of the Qur'an also and done quite a bit of research. My uncle was a missionary who worked among Muslims for several decades. I've also been to Bangladesh and had time with the Muslim background believers (MBB) there. I'm familiar with those verses from the Qur'an that you quoted, and know also that the Qur'an has many contradictions. It is very difficult to read because its passages were compiled after the death of Muhammad.

Most of what Muslims follow, however, is the Sira, not the Qur'an. As you study Islam and converse with Muslims, you will hear more passages from the Sira.
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Re: Islam is a master work of Satan

Postby Loving the Ride » Wed Mar 01, 2017 1:36 pm

Yes, I am familiar with the Sunna (Sirah and Hadiths). They are almost too easy to refute though, so I do not bother. Please let me know if you have a different view, but the most important element to Islam is the Quran. If the Quran is shown for what it is, then Mohammed falls (Sirah and Hadiths), and all of Islam has no basis.

Are you familiar with Quranism? Many Muslims have realized how corrupt the Sira and Hadiths are, so they are ignoring them as products of the "corruption of man". They still stick to the Quran though. I would not be surprised if they start ignoring the Meccan Quran later. That is the most corrupt part.

Do you believe that Satan, Angels or Demons are active in our world ? Virtually, everything that I learned about Islam tells me that it is the master work of Satan. Islam has much more violence and vices in its history. Its theology refutes Jesus and the Crucifixion, which has been a 1400 year win for Satan.

In any case, I see all Muslims as children of God, like myself. I want to help them come to Christ. There is no such thing as a bad person, but there are bad ideas. Unfortunately, this is one of the areas that the Catholic Church has gotten off track. They once stopped Islam from conquering all of Europe. Now, they are one of Islam's greatest allies. :(
Loving the Ride

Re: Islam is a master work of Satan

Postby jimwalton » Tue Mar 21, 2017 4:26 am

I'm glad to see many Muslims coming to Christ, but for now ISIS is a brutal force for evil in the world, though ironically they see it completely opposite. I recently read a good book by Craig Evans and Jeremiah Johnston called "Jesus and the Jihadis." It's eye-opening.

I do believe in Satan, angels and demons, and that they are active in our world. Satan is known as the deceiver, and false religions are one of his strengths.

I have heard some Christians lately wondering if Islam, rather than the Catholic Church, are the source of the beast and false prophet in Revelation. I haven't done enough study on it to arrive at a firm conclusion. It's just an interesting idea.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Tue Mar 21, 2017 4:26 am.
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