AMBER GUYGER and the Freedom From Religion Foundation

Many of you are probably aware of the court case that’s been in the news the past several weeks of the off-duty Dallas policewoman who shot and killed an innocent man whom she thought was in her apartment (she was not in her apartment, but claims she thought she was). After the sentencing, the brother of the slain victim hugged Guyger and encouraged her to give her life to Christ. After that hug, the judge (Tammy Kemp) descended from her chair and also hugged Guyger and handed her a Bible.

Enter the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), who has filed a complaint with the Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct, claiming the judge’s actions are “unconstitutional” because “she was promoting her personal religious beliefs.”
As many times in the past, the FFRF has a severe misunderstanding of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights forbids the Congress of the federal government from establishing religion, but it actually protects the freedom of religious expression.

Hopefully the case from FFRF will be tossed out of court on its ear. This is another example of bullying on false premises, harassment of Christians, and a distortion of our Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Only a string a courtroom rebukes and stings has the possibility of slowing down the religious intimidation tactics of the FFRF.

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