Living Above Life

Living Above Life

When God calls a person to salvation, He calls them to new life in Christ. Besides leaving our lives of sin, one of the most important aspects of being a new creation is that of transforming our minds—learning to think differently, as a child of God. After becoming born of the Spirit, we must learn to “set [our] minds on things above, not on earthly things” (Colossians 3.2). It involves a total retraining of our ways of thinking so that we leave the things of this world behind and live in the fullness of what God has for us. God has something very different in store for us than merely living as redeemed people as aliens on the earth. Instead, if we can genuinely put our minds into God’s view rather than the natural way we think, the life and power of God will open to us in spectacular ways. This book is to open your mind and soul to the completely different life and way of thinking that God desires for us, so that we can live above life.

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About the Book
Publisher: The 3rd Choice
Publication Year: 2017
Format: paperback
Length: 130 page
Illustrator: Rebecca Evans
ASIN: 1545053049
ISBN: 9781545053041
List Price: 12.00
Is there turmoil in your soul! Is God calling you to a deeper place but you are struggling with life? Or maybe the circumstances that are surrounding you have created a wall of depression and despair. How can I “live above life”? Is it possible to live beyond life by His Spirit? Jesus takes us on that journey and sometimes the trip isn’t exactly how we thought it was going to happen. A lot of times it happens through disappointments, failures, pruning, chastisement, heartache and woundedness. Jim Walton takes you on the journey he has experienced on how God brought the greatest “glory” for Him through the greatest “lows” of his life. His candid and descriptive writing draws you right into the journey and teaches each one of us how to live in the fullness of Christ. You will be humbled, inspired, challenged, and changed forever by this book. It is a must read and share book. Our lives should conform to heaven’s realities, and we can literally push aside the confines of this earth to live in the fullness of Christ
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