"More Than Blind Faith" is a survey of key apologetics issues and persuasive answers, showing the adequacies of Christianity as a reasonable belief for thinking people. The book addresses the misinformation that is aimed at Christianity and brings clarity instead of distortion.
2nd edition. Christianity is under attack, mostly by people who are misinformed about the Bible and its meaning. People are turning away from the faith of Christianity in droves, but that’s almost always for emotional reasons, falsely justified by distortions of Christianity and God. This book is written to address the adequacies of Christianity as a reasonable, rational belief.
“Jim Walton has done a marvelous job of surveying key apologetics issues and answers in a small number of pages. There are thoughtful, persuasive answers packed in here for everyone you encounter. I would highly recommend this book for Bible study groups and Sunday school classes to work through. It is a feast of learning.” Craig J. Hazen, Ph.D. Founder and Director of the Apologetics Program Biola University Author of Five Sacred Crossings