The Resurrection Really Happened

The Resurrection Really Happened
Author: Jim Walton
Genre: Apologetics
Publisher: The 3rd Choice Publisher
Publication Year: 2016
Length: 101 pages
ASIN: 1534887148
ISBN: 9781534887145

What is the evidence for the resurrection? Christians take stock in the authority of the Bible, while atheists show nothing but scorn for the Bible. What other evidence do we have? We cannot turn the clock back 2000 years and turn a video camera on. We would have been pleased if Jesus had held a press conference with numerous press agencies, and courtroom artists had recorded the event. Instead we must investigate the records that do exist and infer the most reasonable conclusion. The Resurrection Really Happened presents an abundance of easy-to-understand evidence to substantiate the resurrection beyond a reasonable doubt.

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About the Book
Jim Walton

Jim Walton is a career youth pastor, having served on church staff in that capacity for 35 years. In addition to serving as youth pastor, as is common on many church staffs he also served as Director of Christian Education, Choir Director, Assistant Pastor, interim pastor, Worship Leader, and Pastor of Family Ministries.

Jim got his B.A. degree (with honors) in Christian Education from Wheaton College, and an M.A. (with honors) in Christian Ministry from Wheaton Graduate School. He has written four books, has been published dozens of times in magazines and journals, and has given seminars at the national level (Youth Specialties National Youth Workers Convention), at colleges, many New York State Sunday School Conventions, Iron Sharpens Iron Men’s Conferences, churches, events, and he participates in discussion forums. He has spoken at more than 100 retreats, has led both domestic and foreign missions trips, and has trained pastors in the United States and abroad.

He is currently the founder and director of “The 3rd Choice” (, an evangelistic, apologetics, and discipling online ministry—reclaiming people with the truth of Christ. The 3rd Choice’s goal is to use the Internet to reach out to the people who want to dialogue, whether you are a Christian or skeptic, professor or student, scientist, atheist, doubter or disciple. The website presents a safe and anonymous Internet environment to dialogue about spiritual topics. He also trains churches to understand the changes needed to keep people in the faith, providing resources for Christians through speaking, Bible commentary and training workshops.

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