The Church has for a long time taken the stand that any legitimate use of medical knowledge and technology is within the boundaries of what is allowable to Christians in pursuit of health and wellbeing. According to archaeologists, beer was a common beverage in the ancient world, including Israel. And we all know that Jesus turned water to wine, and that Paul counseled Timothy to take a little wine for his stomach. 

As far as marijuana, it does have “baggage” with it because for years it was known as a mind-altering drug and a gateway drug to other more abusive and addictive substances. According to my reading, that perspective (scientifically and sociologically) has not changed. I’ve also read that the marijuana of today is stronger (more potent) and more dangerous than the marijuana of the 60s-70s.

At the same time, medical technology has succeeded in separating out the medically-beneficial part of marijuana (CBD) from the stuff that gets you high (THC).

OK, so putting this all together. 

1. I think the medical traits of marijuana (CBD) can be a good thing, and we should gladly include it in our battery of substances that we can legitimately use to treat medical conditions.

2. I think that the use of marijuana (THC) as a relaxant is no different than many other relaxants our culture uses (caffeine, wine, etc.). To be consistent, despite the history and perspective of marijuana as an “evil” substance, relaxants used in moderation are generally accepted by our Christian culture as acceptable.

3. I think the abuse of marijuana to get high should be treated the way we treat drunkenness—it relinquishes the control of your mind to something other than the Holy Spirit and is therefore unacceptable.

4. I think the Church, especially nowadays, is far too ready to be seen as “cool” and accepted by the culture, and is willing to participate in any accepted cultural practice for the sake of “relevance.” We are WAY too quick to justify whatever we want to do as a way to link God with the world. All too often it’s just another downward step for the Church. For a Christian to market cannabis for medicinal purposes is fine, but for him to call it “Christian Cannabis” is sending a compromising message that promises to be detrimental to the kingdom of God in the long run.

5. I’m not in a position to judge him, but that he “encountered God” while apparently high on THC mints is, to me, highly suspicious. Sure, “God works in mysterious ways,” but do we seriously accept that his trip is the foundation of his relationship with God? Again, I’m in no position to judge without more information, but it SOUNDS more like justification by compromise rather than justification by faith, y’know?

So, bottom line: I generally agree with what he’s doing, but the way he’s going about it is problematic.

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