Ephesians 2.1-10

Having given us a vision of grandeur (chapter 1) almost unparalleled in English literature or in any biblical text, Paul continues his deluge of living water by telling us how all of what we learned in chapter 1 transforms us both inside and out by God in and through Christ. These are more than profound thoughts and stunning theology—they are life-changing realities that mirror in our souls the very resurrection of Jesus. It has been suggested by Robert Suh[1] that Ephesians 2 shows a parallel story with Ezekiel 37, and the rising of the dry bones: “dead and disconnected, cut off from hope, scattered. But God put them together and gave them the breath of life.”

Sin and death cannot stop the Giver of Life. Our habits and patterns of sin fall away like shedding an old skin and crumble away into dust. Even the rule of the kingdom of the air has no say against the King of Kings. Satan has no power against Light and Life. Even though our nature, birth, behaviors, and habits all carry the stench of death, making us objects of God’s judicial sentence, these all bow before the Lord of Glory.

“But God.” You can write whatever tragedy you want before that phrase, any depravity, any rebellion, or any barrier. “But God” washes it away. It’s like the trump card that takes the hand, every time without fail. God’s great love, His rich mercy, and His unchallengeable power win the day: “It is by grace you have been saved.” But that’s not even the end. Not only have you been saved, but also raised and seated with Him.

Why would God do this for us? He wants more children. Those He has saved He has sent out into the whole world to make disciples of all nations so that all may know the incomparable riches of His grace. It’s so that as many as possible might be drawn to the foot of the cross for redemption, healing, and forgiveness.

[1] Robert Suh, “The Use of Ezekiel 37 in Ephesians 2,” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, Vol. 50/4 (Dec 2007) p. 715-731