by jimwalton » Sun Feb 26, 2017 2:17 pm
You've misunderstood both God and the Scriptures. First, a couple of theological facts:
2 Peter 3.9: "The Lord is...not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." He has no discrimination against any ethnicities or people groups.
Acts 10:34: "God does not show favoritism."
And thirdly, Genesis 12:3: "All peoples on earth will be blessed through you." It is God's intention to bless all people on the earth (though some will refuse his offer).
"God took sides in conflicts." Yes, he absolutely did. There are several reasons for that. (1) Being a just general of the armies, so to speak, he fought on the side of right and against evil; (2) Being a just judge, he advocated for the righteous and against the wicked; and (3) Having promised to protect his children, he acted the part of the mother bear. He will leave you alone, but if you attack his children, beware his wrath.
"He broke groups down by their ethnic regions." In a world before nation states, before feudal territories, and before city states, there were regions characterized by clan, or ethnicity. It's no more discriminatory to identify the citizens of Jerusalem as Jebusites than it is to speak of the residents of a certain congressional district as African-Americans.
"He willingly interfered in battles." Yes. In the Bible, God was the leader of his people, and one of the ways this showed itself was that he was the commander-in-chief of the armies, the strategist in the battle, and the one to be credited with the victory. On numerous occasions YHWH shows himself to be a formidable general. He was, as I said earlier, fighting on the side of right and against evil.
"He instructed on things like enslavement." Yes he did, but he never commanded it or endorsed it. He just said, "If you're going to do this, treat people with the dignity and rights due to human beings and not like things." In those days, slavery was a very different institution (not even a good descriptor for what they did) than it was in ancient Greece, Rome, or in Europe/US during the colonial era. It was most debt "slavery." Our term for it is "employment."
"Even instructed on the distribution of war spoils." Yes. In the ancient world, most soldiers didn't get paid. Their "salary" was the spoils of war. Whatever they could take was theirs. With the Israelites it was different. All war spoils belonged to the Lord (after all, he was the true victor). Israelite treatment of war spoils was radically different than that of the surrounding nations.
"He set special rules and protections for some ethnicities while leaving others completely ignored." He set special rules and protections for his people. That's all his rules apply to. Everyone else was welcomed to become part of his people. It was an open invitation.
"Why does the God of the Bible behave and instruct like a short-sighted human being and not like an all-knowing all-loving God?" He doesn't at all. He acts with power and fairness, and he expects his people to be different from all other nations.