by jimwalton » Thu Apr 27, 2017 10:12 am
You're serious???? John 4.24 says "God is spirit." He is non-corporeal—not a material being, and therefore, no bellybutton. But that doesn't mean God is immaterial, as nothingness is, because even though God is a spiritual being, he still has substance. The idea in his spirit-ness is that he is not confined to time and space, not that he isn't there. He is not part of our flesh-and-blood world, but he's still not an "it". He is a being, but not a body. No bellybutton.
Jesus, having been born of a woman by natural means, would have been attached to her via umbilical cord and placenta, and would have had a bellybutton. When the Bible speaks of Jesus being in the image and likeness of God, it means he shared God's nature and essence (Jesus the Son and YHWH the Father were of the same essence—a unity of being manifested in two persons), not that if Jesus had a physical bellybutton, YHWH must have one as well.
Last bumped by Anonymous on Thu Apr 27, 2017 10:12 am.